Education for Sustainable Development in Africa (ESDA)

About Us

Education for Sustainable Development in Africa - ESDA

The Education for Sustainable Development in Africa (ESDA) program is a network of 8 universities. The ESDA programme Universities includes the University of Cape Town (South Africa), University for Development Studies (Ghana), University of Ghana (Ghana), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana), University of Nairobi (Kenya), Kenyatta University (Kenya), University of Zambia (Zambia) and the University of Ibadan (Nigeria). The network was founded in 2008 to promote Africa’s sustainable development through knowledge exchange by establishing and managing a collaborative research and teaching network among African universities and between African and Asian universities together with research institutes. Prof. Peter Mbithi is the current chair of ESDA. In the past ESDA, in collaboration with United Nations University, has been funded by the African development Bank through Japanese trust fund.

Education for Sustainable Development in Africa

Upcoming Events

This summit represents a pioneering collaboration between ESDA at the University of Nairobi and Africa Voices Dialogue (AVD), a testament to their shared commitment to nurturing education for sustainable development across the African continent. ESDA brings a rich legacy of spearheading initiatives in sustainable development education, while AVD as a network of networks and an emerging African learning ecosystem, stands as a vibrant, emerging network within the African learning ecosystem, fostering a culture of dialogue and exchange, and offering a platform for Africans to be seen, heard and loved.

Past Events at ESDA

ESDA webinar: CBC ecosystems: How ready are universities? (March 5 th / 2023)
The Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) was launched in Kenya by the Ministry of Education in 2017. It is designed to emphasis the significance of developing skills and knowledge and also applying those
competencies to real-life situations. .

Our Projects

ESDA has many projects in many parts of the African Continent, more so in the African Universities

Our Focus is Research

We focus on research on sustainable development and protection of the environment

ESDA Workshops

ESDA team meets in various partner universities across the African content to hold research workshops and student mentorship programs.

Our Focus is Research in Sustainable Development and protection of the environment.

Education for Sustainable Development in Africa

Charity Mumbi

My Masters Experience – Charity​

I began my masters of Science in Sustainable Urban Development in September 2019 at the University of Nairobi, department of Geography, population and environmental studies…..

Journal of Sustainability, Environment and Peace

Journal Of Sustainability, Environment and Peace (JSEP) is an international, scholarly, trans-disciplinary, peer-reviewed and open access journal of sustainability of humans in the context of the environment, economics, society, governance, culture and peace 

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